Dreaming of a Green Christmas

photo of a cat in a Christmas present box.

We know that no matter how hard we all try, there can be extra waste at this time of year. So once again, our Recycling Champions have gathered together some hints and tips to help you have a greener Christmas.

Bag it up

Gift bags, while initially more expensive than wrapping paper, can be used and reused again and again. You can even buy fabric ones or make your own if you’re feeling crafty! 

Gifting with a difference

Gift-giving doesn’t have to cost the earth, below are some ideas for free or low-cost gifts that will save you money while being kinder to the planet!

  • Gifting a plant or a tree or seeds for the garden. These could be cuttings or seeds from your own plants for that extra personal touch.
  • Give second-hand gifts. Gifts don’t always have to be brand new, they just have to be new to you! Buying second-hand is often much cheaper than buying new, helping your budget to stretch and helping to support the circular economy. Not only beneficial to your bank account, gifts bought from charity shops will also support good causes.
  • Consider the Ethical Hierarchy of Gift Purchasing when deciding what to give; similar to the Waste hierarchy, it focuses on the different gift-giving categories from most environmentally friendly to least and is great as a guide when looking for eco-friendly gift ideas. 

Cardboard construction

We all know that kids (and pets) prefer the box. With all that extra packaging around why not get creative and use it to make a fort, castle, obstacle course, or some other fun craft? You could even reuse wrapping paper to decorate!


If you’re indulging in a real tree this year, then make sure you take advantage of the tree recycling, or “Treecycling” service offered by Forget Me Not Hospice and The Kirkwood. For a small donation, your chosen charity will collect and recycle your tree in the New Year. Find out more about treecycling.

Bin Collections

No one wants to worry about waste this winter, that’s why our Christmas collection dates, excess policy, and bin calendars for 2024 are now live. You can read our Christmas bin update for more information.

Thanks to our Recycling Champions for supplying some of these excellent environment and money-saving festive tips. If you are interested in the environment, recycling and reuse, and like sharing information with others, or would simply like to understand more about recycling and waste minimisation, you could become a Recycling Champion! Find out more about the Recycling Champion role on our website.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas from the Waste Team and a happy 2024!

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